Thursday, November 8, 2012


My day was filled with fun and happiness- so i wore the color blue. Blue is like a warm/fun color to wear to me and most of the time I don't wear blue. The G-shock watch shows the time I was out and having fun with my friends. The belt buckle is a car symbol of a cadillac car; my favorite car. I used a collage theme and made the border with the line tool on Photoshop and used some effects to make it look nice. The one thing I need to do is to clean it up a little more. The mirror spots i could of gotten rid of it. 
That day I went motorcycle ridding with my best friend most of the day. I went to cheesecake factory and it was great. The last thing I did was go to the movies and have fun. This was my day.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

National Gallery of Arts in Washington D.C

I went to the National Gallery of Arts in Washington D.C for the first time. When I went to the museum I expected to see different types of artwork like painting, sculptures, and architectures. I wanted to see the differences from the past arts to the further arts that we have today. I’ve seen plenty of artwork that has the same qualities, patterns, design, color and structure. I love art that can tell a story or show how the arts were feeling. When I went there wasn't any events or shows, but it was amazing trip to the museum.
The first sculpture I saw was the Edger Degas piece, The Little Dancer Aged Fourteen. It was sculptured in spring 1878-1881 it basically a wax statuette dressed in real clothes, was very innovative, most of all because she was a "modern subject": a student dancer of the Paris Opera Ballet. Her head is held high and the arms and hands are stretched behind her back. It was a beautiful art piece. The second artwork was Chalice of the Abbot Suger of Saint-Denis Cup. The cup was used to celebrate the mass, the gems echoing the jewel-like colors streaming through stained glass. It’s from Paris, France, the gold and gem encrusted cup was made at the behest of Suger. Most of the stones were later replaced, and only one of the original roundels on the base survives, that of Christ Pantokrator, as in the Byzantine tradition. The third artwork was a painting by Titian is called Venus and Adonis.  It was painted in 1560 and it’s oil on canvas painting. Titian painted the first version of Venus and Adonis as one of a series of eight mythological subjects, which he called poesie, or visual poems, created for King Philip II of Spain. I like this painting because it shows emotion, the colors, and the details.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Edgar J. Brown

This painting that he painted is good. First of all I love the New York Yankees. Second the composition of everything in the painting is nice. He gets the motion and the emotion in the piece. The way the body is turnt and the look in the face of the player seems so real. The one thing I didn't like to much about this paint is th different color of spots on it. The background is to much but it goes with the painting. The player face is has a lot of detail that I like. The helmet looks 3D to me so it makes the painting pop out.

 Once I saw this painting i loved it. I love the Dallas Cowboys, but how the background has different shades of blue then you have this red popping out of the painting. The red paint is how how had the player is being tackled and the emotion of the player shows he is getting hurt. The sweat thats coming off the players a bit to much especially on the Giants player. If he put a little sweat on each it be better looking to me. There's nothing else I can say about this piece because its a great painting.
He could of put more shadowing in this painting to make it pop out. The details in the helmet and the jerseys are nice. Some of the lines are not straight and the football could have a little details on it. He could of put some emotion in the Giants player while tackling the player.

Michael Jordan is a amazing player. Edgar brown did a amazing job capturing MJ's emotion in his dunk. He shows the force in the dunk and his strength. I love the background, its very simple the black and blue. The painting looks so real and the use of the shadowing brings the painting out. I wish he would of made the basketball look more real by putting lines in it and maybe the dots on the ball.
The Bulls on the jersey could of been the same thickness as the numbers. He could of showed jordans face more instead of making it so black. There is nothing else I could say bad about this picture. I love this picture and I love Michael Jordan so its a great painting.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Work of Art!!

This photo i made is called Lil Wayne. I made this awhile ago in photoshop. I used grayscale for the picture and posterize too i think. For the words i just used different colors and placed them everywhere on the picture. The works describes who he is. This is one of my graphic photo i made.
I also make magazine covers too. I made this in photoshop and its called scion life. This didn't take me that long;  i just used text and pictures.  I love making magazine covers and this was one of the best ones i made. For all of the text, I used bevel and boss to make it pop out and the outer glow to make it stand out.
This piece was also made in photoshop and I don't really have a name for this so I'm call it dancer. I used outer glow on the line and a smooth bevel and boss. For the clouds in the back I used the gradient tool to get the color on them. The broken glass was difficult to get it neatly around his ankles, but I got it around them. It was easy to make this picture.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

My Intentions.

What I will be showing on my blog is graphics.  How I create my graphic art and what I use to make it look the way I create it. I like using plenty of colors, pictures, and texts. You will being seeing graphic pictures that I like what other artist make and my own and of course my art. I will being using photoshop and illustrator in my pictures.

I design plenty of stuff like posters, logos, web pages, and artwork. Making things look pretty and nice is what I do, so you'll see a lot of that on this blog. My family always wants me to design stuff for them all the time because they love my artwork and they are the ones who pushed me to become a great graphic designer. I want to design anything and everything in the world especially my future. I want my artwork out in the world, everyone can see how great of a designer I am.