Saturday, September 15, 2012

Work of Art!!

This photo i made is called Lil Wayne. I made this awhile ago in photoshop. I used grayscale for the picture and posterize too i think. For the words i just used different colors and placed them everywhere on the picture. The works describes who he is. This is one of my graphic photo i made.
I also make magazine covers too. I made this in photoshop and its called scion life. This didn't take me that long;  i just used text and pictures.  I love making magazine covers and this was one of the best ones i made. For all of the text, I used bevel and boss to make it pop out and the outer glow to make it stand out.
This piece was also made in photoshop and I don't really have a name for this so I'm call it dancer. I used outer glow on the line and a smooth bevel and boss. For the clouds in the back I used the gradient tool to get the color on them. The broken glass was difficult to get it neatly around his ankles, but I got it around them. It was easy to make this picture.

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